Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My feisty girl

I can hardly recall how Z was like when he was one year old. From the photos, at this age, he was walking, downing his favorite Ribena, smiling, shaking his derriere with music. I don't remember him being aggressive with other people. Or is it because it there was no other people around?

R at one is saying at least 10 single words. She responds by pointing to my questions, eg "Where is the owl?". She draws my attention to her objects of interest, "ball ball" (which includes ball and balloon), "bear bear", "dog" (while signing furiously lol).

Recently, she understands more of her brother's behaviour. When Z wants to share her book, she protests loudly, pulls the book away, pushes Z with her head and, to my horror, bites him! When big bro wants a hug from mommy, she will climb to my lap and pulls his hair while vocalising loudly. She will not stop until she reclaims what is hers.

I can imagine the sibling war that is fast approaching. And I totally tip my hat to my mom and other mothers of her generation who had four or more children back to back. I can understand your constant exhaustion and annoyance now.

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